Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The impact we can make

Every year, WECC holds a special offering on Christmas Eve. About 3 or 4 years ago, the offering was to go to the Crowder's ministry in Sudan, specifically to purchase bicycles for pastors who were having to walk long distances between churches on Sunday. There are more churches than trained pastors.

I had forgotten about this special offering. Well, I recently got an email from the Crowder's with the above picture. Chris had run into one of the men that received the bike. He was still thankful for this bike as it allowed him to also make a living selling vegetables in the market.

Often, we don't ever know the impact that a small impact on our part can have in the life of someone else. This is a beautiful example of the fact that what may seem simple to us, it can have waves and layers and impact that we may never know about.

Remember to not discount what may seem like a small sacrifice to you. God will use every sacrifice for his glory.

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